Computer and digital devices are now part of every aspect of our daily life. We use our PCs and desktops to work, study, communicate, make payments, pay bills, listen to music, watch a movie, book our trips, shop, order food, shop, play, read and learn …

Since the creation of laptops and notebooks, our new featherweight computers never leave us for a second and now accompany us on each of our trips.

Even more, our days are marked by the use of one or more computer and digital devices at work, at home, at school, at university: our desktops , laptops, MacBooks or notebooks have literally become indispensable. to each of our daily activities.

So imagine if your pc, your desktop or your notebook let go of you all at once! Would you still be able to carry on with your daily activities, work, study, or just go about your business like booking online, having deliveries, or making purchases.

A PC failure , a malfunctioning computer or even a slow computer can literally ruin your day, block you in your work or school and delay you in your tasks and daily schedules. Sometimes a simple malfunction of a new device or accessory can lock you up and prevent you from using your computer or pc.

What is the object and function of computer troubleshooting?

Quickly assisting you in the event of a pc failure , reacting during the day to repair all types of laptops, desktops or any new malfunction of an equipment or computer peripheral is precisely the objective of troubleshooting computer  !

With time and modernization and technological advancement that has accelerated since the 80s, laptops, computers and microcomputers have become more and more sophisticated devices. These computer devices, along with the multitude of peripherals and equipment associated with them, have become real technological gems.

However, despite their performance and robustness, these devices and equipment are not immune to breakdowns and malfunctions of both hardware and software origin. Faced with this technological progress, IT troubleshooting occupies an increasingly decisive place in the life cycle of this type of product.

In addition, our desktops, our PCs and computer servers are increasingly called upon by constant or even incessant use, an increasing number of data processing, file storage and downloads of all kinds, As diverse as they are varied applications, not to mention the constant threats to which our computing devices are exposed, computer troubleshooting becomes essential.

What devices are affected by computer troubleshooting?

Given the incorporation of processors, electronic components and operating systems in the majority of digital devices that accompany us in our daily life, printers , digital speakers, MP3 or MP4 players, game consoles, tablets, home cinema, internet box , the question that naturally arises is whether home computer troubleshooting also concerns all these types of digital devices.

The integration of digital and digital into almost all the devices we use in everyday life as well as the incorporation of home automation in our homes and workspaces mean that the place of IT troubleshooting is no longer limited to stealth intervention in the event of a computer failure.

Installation, reinstallation, servicing, maintenance or updating of hardware and software, system cleaning , repair, diagnosis, replacement of components are some of the operations among many others that now enter in the field of application and intervention of IT troubleshooting.

Among the devices, equipment and components that are concerned and come within the scope of action and intervention of home IT troubleshooting, we find everything that comes under the hardware component:

  • The desktop computers , the laptops and notebooks (computers)
  • Computer servers, workstations, tower servers, rack servers, NAS
  • All electronic or computer components such as the pc power supply, the desktop pc motherboard , the AMD or Intel processor, the RAM memory, the SSD hard drive and eMMC hard drives, the reader-writer, the graphics card, pc screen display , fan, processor, memory modules, power supply unit, sound card, case …
  • All computer equipment associated with PCs and desktop computers such as PC screens , central units, portable PC keyboards and mice, PC inverters, laptop PC battery, laptop PC charger
  • All components associated with the computer server, workstations, Tower servers, rack servers  : processor, fan, reader and writer, memory module, hard drive, motherboard, network card, graphics card, power supply box, audio card, controller …
  • All storage devices associated with the pc, the desktop or the server such as: USB keys , external and internal hard drives , SSD hard drives , memory card, card reader, etc.
  • All printing devices like printers and scanners
  • All the hardware elements allowing a network to work: the internet connection box , the wifi terminals and my routers are also assimilated to computer hardware

With regard to the so-called software or software component, remote computer troubleshooting also covers, depending on the case, the installation, deletion, uninstallation, reinstallation and updating of:

  • Common operating systems like Windows, Mac, iOs or Android
  • Third party applications
  • Basic programs and software such as the Microsoft office suite or Microsoft Outlook
  • Third party programs or software
  • Software and malicious programs: malware, viruses, Trojan horses, ransomware, worms, adware …

Regarding PC, tablet or smartphone brands, however, there is a point to make regarding the IT troubleshooting and maintenance component.

Without going into a comparison between Google, Apple or Microsoft, it remains important to point out one fact: Apple products with the iOS system, such as IMacs, iPhones and iPads are less inclined to require computer troubleshooting and have a lower propensity. high to encounter computer crashes as compared to Android or Windows systems. This is certainly due to the fact that they operate in a more restrictive environment and are therefore less exposed to incompatibilities and threats.

There are a number of different ways that computer troubleshooting can be done depending on the nature of the computer failure or the need for computer assistance that arises. There are three different ways to do this:

  • Either the IT technician travels directly to the site, that is to say to the home or office
  • Either computer troubleshooting is done directly in a workshop or a point of sale
  • Either the computer troubleshooter performs a remote computer troubleshooting

Computer troubleshooting at home or in the office

The computer troubleshooting for businesses , professionals and individuals do not deploy the same way.

With regard to companies, depending on the extent of the computer park, its size and its place and its critical nature for the activity of the company, computer troubleshooting may give rise to the implementation of ‘an internal IT department ready to intervene at the slightest failure.

This team of technicians specialized in computer troubleshooting is generally part of the internal staff of the company but these services can sometimes be outsourced to specialized companies or to IT services companies.

For medium and small businesses, IT troubleshooting is commonly supported by IT companies specializing in IT troubleshooting, support, and maintenance. These companies generally travel on site to the premises or offices of the companies concerned following their request and if necessary.

As for individuals, they generally use professional repair technicians who operate on their own or small companies specializing in individual computer troubleshooting . As far as individuals are concerned, the option of home repair remains a very popular option, especially since this option is very practical when you do not have time to travel, when you are in the city. emergency or when you prefer to preserve the data recorded on your pc or personal computer.

The home computer troubleshooting is considered in France to a service person who is eligible individuals to be able to recover 50% of their IT troubleshooting costs in the form of tax credit. This is a tax deduction that applies to annual computer repair amounts that do not exceed the ceiling of € 3,000.

Finally, there are companies, such as Techinclic, which offer on-site or on-site computer troubleshooting services throughout the country thanks to a national network of qualified IT technicians, spread throughout the country.

Techinclic not only offers home computer repair services but also installation and repair services for computer equipment, laptops, computers, tablets, printers, but also computer training and maintenance services .

Computer repair in a shop or a specialized point of sale

Deciding to have your computer repaired in a shop specializing in computer repair is sometimes essential. Indeed, some pc repairs must absolutely be done in a secure environment or in a clean room so as not to risk damaging your device or permanently deleting your data.

Certain computer repairs also present risks for the safety of those present. This is why faced with such situations, the home computer repairer  will be able to advise you to entrust him with your pc so that he can repair it in the workshop in a suitable environment.

The large brands that are specialized in the sale of computer equipment, such as Cybertek, Boulanger, Gros Bill, Fnac or Darty offer a repair service with a dedicated technical reception as part of their After-Sales Services