There are many criteria at your disposal to judge the quality of an SEO agency. In view of the many structures available, a study of their clients will be an opportunity to judge their professionalism and their efficiency.

Examples and case studies

If the agency does not directly offer you concrete examples of optimization , do not hesitate to ask them. Thus, you will get a return on the SEO work done on a client. If the agency can, they will provide you with an example close to your field of activity. In this way, you can easily project yourself on the expectations formulated by the customer. This detailed and very meaningful feedback will be an opportunity for you to glimpse the structure’s vision of natural referencing.

The case study

As specified above, the case study can be used by the SEO agency to showcase its know-how. Thus, 88% of marketers confirm that they allow effective support of the prospect until his final decision. It will therefore be presented to you with the aim of making you discover the way the agency operates.

The case study specifies the context in which the client company operates, its issues, the levers used and the results obtained. If it is involved in the final stages of choosing your service provider, you can also find out about its working methods yourself.To determine which SEO agency is the best for you, educate yourself on these working methods. Thus, Darwin Agency provides you with its process for handling cases. Here it is summarized here.

The diagnosis

Darwin Agency analyzes the profile of its client, the competitive context and the various data of its site. It is the essential step of any professional service. It helps lay the foundations for future monitoring by taking stock of the optimizations already carried out, the issues to be addressed, etc.

Implementation of the strategy

It is a tailor-made strategy that is offered to clients. It follows the in-depth diagnosis and reveals the know-how of our experts. She skillfully combines several levers and uses the right tools to propose an efficient strategy .

The Test & Learn

It is thanks to our R&D pole (research and development) that we can offer the best innovations in terms of referencing. Indeed, we provide our customers with the latest innovations, those which will become the benchmarks of tomorrow. We make sure that they are adapted to the problems of our customers.

Constant monitoring

A professional SEO agency will never stop measuring and optimizing the SEO actions in progress. The goal is to perform and thus obtain the best possible results. Careful monitoring of performance and the adjustments necessary for its viability therefore continue to be carried out on the files.

The work methodologies are important to determine the seriousness of an SEO agency. Other criteria are also interesting to observe to help you choose the best SEO agency. Other criteria will allow you to determine which will be the best SEO agency for you. While some are questionable, others are essential if you want to find the ideal provider .

The localisation

Some like to talk to their providers face to face, others are not particularly sensitive to it. So it will depend on your expectations. If you find a digital marketing agency that is geographically far from you, don’t panic! What makes web agencies strong is their ability to work remotely with their clients. Indeed, in many cases, reporting and other monitoring is done by telephone and accompanied by an é sharing guts to make conversations clear and easily understood.

The cost

To those looking for a quality agency at a lower cost, be careful. Indeed, the prices are generally equal between the structures. But as in all areas, some are slashing the prices. For those who promise you quality Netlinking and a Link Baiting strategy below market prices, the results are generally not there. Be careful not to engage in a dubious collaboration, which would waste your time and your money.


Monitoring is one of the most important criteria of an agency. It denotes the professionalism of the structure. Indeed, the actions of natural referencing, which are worked on over the long term, must be carefully analyzed, and this, throughout the collaboration. Transparency on the actions carried out and its results are essential to establish a relationship of trust with your service provider. Likewise, a dedicated interlocutor with good listening skills is a sign of good customer management. The organic referencing agency must meet the selection criteria and bring its added value to your file.