Push notifications are messages that are pushed to a user’s mobile device. Unlike email or SMS, push notifications are delivered outside of the user’s regular inbox. This provides marketers with an opportunity to reach their audiences with real-time updates and content—without requiring them to open the app at all. In this article, we’ll discuss push notifications and why they’re so useful for marketers today.

What are push notifications?

What are push notifications? Push notifications are a way of sending an alert directly to your audience’s devices. This alert can be sent via an app, website, or mobile browser. When you send a push notification, it will appear at the top of the screen and can include a sound or vibration. Clicking on this message will allow users to go straight into your app without having to open it first.

Push notifications are great for keeping in touch with users and making sure they don’t forget about you for long periods – especially if you want them to come back for another purchase.

Tips to make your push notifications great

There are several ways you can make sure that your push notifications work well. Here are a few ways you can make them great:

Make sure they’re relevant:

Too many brands rely on push notifications that are nothing more than an advertisement or a sales pitch, but this is a mistake. You need to make sure that what you send out via push notification is related to something the customer has already shown interest in—it could be a product they’ve viewed or purchased recently, or it could be a limited-time offer on something they might want.

Make them timely and specific:

Sending out generic updates about your company every single day isn’t going to do much good for either party involved— it won’t help you because users will likely get tired of hearing from you and unsubscribe (or worse), and it won’t help them because there’s no real value being provided for them through these messages. Instead of sending out generic updates about yourself every day, try sending out more frequent but specific updates instead. Think about how often people would like their newsfeeds updated on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter with content relevant specifically to their industry, job function, or interests. That’s how often you should be looking at sending push notifications.

Make sure they’re engaging:

If you’re not able to keep someone engaged by providing valuable content through push notifications then chances are they’ll just keep deleting them off their phones as fast as possible. A great way around this would be by providing some sort of incentive such as discounts or free shipping codes towards future purchases.

Ways push notifications can help you

Push notifications have been shown to increase customer engagement. This is because they allow you to send messages that customers want, when they want them, without having to open your app or website first (and without generating a lot of emails).

It can also be used as a tool for acquiring new customers through mobile advertising campaigns and special offers or promotions sent directly from your app. This is especially helpful if you’re launching a new feature or product—you can use push notifications to let people know about it right away rather than waiting until the launch date rolls around.

With this method, a retailer might automatically send discount coupons or promotional offers when someone checks out their latest products but doesn’t buy anything at all. This increases sales while also improving customer experience. By doing so consistently over time with targeted messaging based on past purchase history, companies develop trust among their users which translates into higher revenues down the line due to repeat business.


Push notifications are a great way for businesses to connect with their customers. The fact that they can be used to send out messages right on the user’s phone makes them especially useful in reaching people who aren’t online all the time. As you have seen above, there are many different kinds of push notifications, each one with its own unique purpose. This article is intended to give you some insight into what types of notifications work best and how they can benefit your business.